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Since 8pm last night, there are four new cases of COVID-19 diagnosed, bringing the entire number of cases in NSW to three ,119. There were 14,127 tests administered within the reporting period, compared with quite 15,200 within the previous 24 hours. quite 620,000 COVID 19 tests are administered in NSW. There are currently 47 COVID-19 cases being treated by NSW Health, and none are in medical care . In NSW, 2,763 people have recovered from COVID-19. Of the four new cases today, two cases are travellers in hotel quarantine. The third may be a locally acquired case under investigation, a person in his twenties. All close contacts of this case are being contacted. it's understood this case didn't attend any recent mass gathering, including protests. The fourth case is that the now-confirmed case associated with Rose Bay Public School. The date of infection remains to be determined and this case could also be an older infection. The source of infection is additionally being investigated. As a precaution, all close contacts of this case are being identified and advised of the necessity to isolate and monitor for symptoms. NSW Health would really like to thank those with symptoms for coming forward, getting tested and ensuring cases within the community are identified as quickly as possible. The virus should be circulating within the community. People with mild symptoms or those that show no obvious symptoms can unknowingly pass it to others. NSW Health is urging anyone feeling unwell – even with the mildest of symptoms like a runny nose or scratchy throat – to isolate from others and obtain tested. this is often important for everybody within the community and particularly for anyone who attended any rallies in recent days. With the easing of restrictions, it remains essential that everybody maintains social distancing of 1.5m and frequently washes their hands to minimise the danger of virus transmission.

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